Grab this unique opportunity to train at sea with CAPSTAN
Up to 30 trainers and students are being offered the opportunity to participate in a ten-day voyage at sea on CSIRO’s 94-metre ocean research vessel (RV) Investigator.
CAPSTAN is a sea training program that offers university students hands-on training with scientific equipment and systems used in modern marine research. The program also offers opportunities for trainers to design the teaching activities and deliver on-board training.
The program is uniquely held on one of Australia’s key research infrastructures. RV Investigator, part of the Marine National Facility which is operated by CSIRO on behalf of the nation, is Australia’s dedicated ocean research vessel. It delivers atmospheric, oceanographic, biological and geoscience research from Australia’s tropical north to the Antarctic ice-edge.
CAPSTAN is managed through a collaborative partnership between CSIRO, the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian and New Zealand International Scientific Drilling Consortium (ANZIC). It is being supported via NCRIS funding through both CSIRO and ANZIC.
Applications to join the upcoming CAPSTAN voyage in March 2025 close on Tuesday, 15 October.
Learn more about collaborative opportunities for research infrastructure at the International Conference on Research Infrastructures in Brisbane this December. Look forward to hearing more about our Australian marine research infrastructure in the session ‘Research Infrastructures Success Stories in Supporting Research Translation’.

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