
ICRI 2024 will explore trends, challenges, and opportunities in research infrastructures globally.  Key themes include:​

Digital research infrastructure: Integrating Quantum, AI, High-Performance Computing (HPC) and other new technologies into RIs. Managing research data, and building digital skills to support RIs.  ​

Research Infrastructure for translation: Ensuring RIs deliver societal impact, with a focus on international best practices and examples of RI-enabled translation into policy, community, and industry applications.  ​

Global collaboration: Opportunities to expand global collaboration, partnership and access to RI.

Indigenous knowledge: Engaging with Indigenous communities and knowledge systems in developing and using RIs.​

Hope and wonder (enabling future science): What are the future RI needs, how will they enable future science and technologies? Skilling the future workforce, and imagining RIs beyond 2050. ​

Challenges: Climate change; Feeding the planet; Healthy communities: The role of RIs in addressing and collaborating on these challenges and showcasing best practice examples. ​

Conference program

This is a draft program. For information on ICRI’s many side events please visit the side events page.

Tuesday, 3 December
Welcome to Country and Opening Ceremony
Keynote: Where Indigenous knowledge and methodologies intersect with research infrastructures
Morning Tea
Keynote: Aisén Etcheverry Escudero, Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile
Keynote: Jan Ellenberg, AI & imaging: Innovative insights into next generation therapeutics and diagnostics
Breakout sessions:
– Improving critical ocean and earth observations 
Developing research infrastructure partnerships with local and indigenous communities
Creating a trusted and secure research environment  
Breakout sessions:
– Research infrastructure business models that enable translation
Building networks and scaling up: data sharing on a global scale
– How research infrastructure is supporting sustainable agriculture, nutrition and development
Afternoon Tea
Breakout overviews
Panel discussion: Looking to space for answers on earth
Conference Cocktail Event
Wednesday, 4 December
Welcome and reflections on yesterday
Panel discussion: Exploring global strategies: How research infrastructure will address climate challenges over the next 30 years
Panel discussion: Inside the atom: how large research infrastructures are harnessing the power of the smallest elements
Morning Tea
Networking Session – Brella App
Panel discussion: The skillsets needed today and for the future; developing our next gen leaders
Breakout sessions:
The role of research infrastructures in training the digital workforce
– Using research infrastructures to investigate and document the impacts of the environment on human health
– Greening research infrastructures
Breakout sessions:
Digital research infrastructure for healthy communities
Institutional and policy frameworks for inclusive research infrastructure collaborations
– Global collaboration in biosecurity and pandemic preparedness  
Afternoon Tea
Breakout overviews
Panel discussion: Early Career Scientists Pitch Session
Thursday, 5 December
Welcome and reflections on yesterday
Panel discussion: Showcasing successful global research infrastructure collaborations
Panel discussion: Research infrastructure successes in supporting research translation
Morning Tea
Keynote: Professor Alan Duffy – Research infrastructures beyond 2050
Closing Ceremony and Lunch