Insights from Dr Carthage Smith on environmental impacts to human health

There is a complex interplay between environmental factors, social determinants, climate change and human health.
In this breakout session, Dr Carthage Smith will share his insights on research infrastructure’s role in investigating and documenting the impacts of the environment on our health and the need for global collaboration.
Carthage joined the OECD as head of the Global Science Forum (GSF) Secretariat in 2014. He is responsible for working with countries to define the overall strategy and priorities for the Forum. This includes policy work on research infrastructures, Open Science, research funding mechanisms, science advisory processes and research careers. Carthage was originally trained as a biochemist, with a PhD in neuroscience. Prior to joining the GSF secretariat, he was Deputy Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU, Paris) for twelve years. Before moving to France, he spent six years at the UK Medical Research Council, where he was Head of International Cooperation.
Find out more about this session here.
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters throughout Australia, and pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise the importance of connection to culture, land, kinship and community to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander families. We acknowledge the cultural practices and traditions still carried out today and being passed down to future generations.