Hear from Dileine Amaral da Cunha on RI policy frameworks

November 3rd, 2024

Policy can be an important factor in enhancing the impact of international research infrastructure networks.

Joining us in the panel on Day 2 of the conference, Dileine will be sharing her insights into developing policies that foster global scientific progress.

Dileine Amaral da Cunha is the Coordinator of Negotiation, Advice and International Studies at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil. Formerly Chief of Cabinet, Academic Advisor and Institutional Attorney of the Institute of Higher Education of Brasilia (IESB), she is a current member of the IESB Evaluation Committee. She has been an Analyst in Science and Technology of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) since 2011. 

Check out the full conference program here.