Empowering RIs for Global Impact: Digital Tools and Collaborative Solutions
Transform Your Research Infrastructure with Cutting-Edge Technologies
Monday 2 December, 2:00 – 5:00pm, Studio 3 at the W Hotel
Delivery format: Hybrid
Event Description
Research Infrastructures (RIs) are at the forefront of scientific discovery, driving innovation and addressing global challenges. To maximise their potential, RIs must leverage advanced digital technologies and foster collaboration. This session will explore how digital tools can empower RIs to overcome challenges, optimise resources, and achieve greater impact.
Part 1: 2pm – 3:10pm
Welcome (Magdalena Brus, EGI Foundation)
The session will showcase a range of Research infrastructures and projects representing different activities and solutions for digital RI transformation:
The first part of the session will showcase a range of Research infrastructures and projects representing different activities and solutions for digital RI transformation:
- ENVRI-Hub NEXT a cluster approach for interoperable environmental data and services (Eija Juurola, ACTRIS ERIC)
- iMagine AI-powered image analysis tools and services for aquatic sciences (Ingrid Puillat, EMSO ERIC)
- PHENET, real-world challenges and opportunities in managing and analysing large phenotyping datasets (Stijn Dhondt, VIB, EMPHASIS RI)
- SAEON, Data Management in the South African Environmental Observation Network (Tommy Bornman, SAEON)
Coffee & Tea 3:10pm – 3:30pm
Part 2: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
The second part of the session will showcase global perspectives on digital trends and potential for collaboration among the digital infrastructures and initiatives
- Landscape of digital infrastructures: European perspective with global outlook (Gergely Sipos, EGI Foundation)
- Thematic Research Data Commons: Meeting Australia’s future research needs with long-term, enduring digital infrastructures (Ben Chiu, ARDC)
- DataON: Integrated data and compute services in Korea’s national platform (Dr. Jung-ho Um, South Korea)
- Research Software Alliance: Advancing the research software ecosystem through collaboration (Michelle Barker, ReSA)
The third part will feature a panel discussion exploring global perspectives on RI digitalisation. We will hear additional perspectives from outside Europe, discuss exchange and alignment of practices and how the solutions developed in these European projects can be adapted and scaled for broader impact, fostering international collaboration and knowledge sharing. By identifying common challenges and opportunities, we aim to create a roadmap for future Digital infrastructure services and RI development.
Part 3: 4:30pm – 5:00pm
Panel Discussion (Moderated by Ludek Matyska, CESNET)
Confirmed Speakers: Mary-Jane Bopape, SEON/ South Africa; Jung-Ho Um, DataON (South Korea) ; Ben Chui, ARDC (Australia), Michelle Baker (Research Software Alliance, Australia) and more.
Join us to learn about the latest digital innovations, explore best practices, and discover how to harness the power of collaboration to build a stronger, more connected global research ecosystem.
Key topics:
- Digital infrastructures for RIs
- Data-driven research and innovation
- AI for RIs
- Future computing needs and trends
- Building sustainable and collaborative research ecosystems
This session will provide valuable insights for RI leaders, data managers, researchers, and policymakers seeking to accelerate scientific progress and address global challenges.
If you are already attending ICRI, the link below will show you how to register via our event portal
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